Mission Statement


I've used just about every kind of mixer, amplifier and speaker combination there is as well as every kind of microphone made in the last thirty years. (Remember the EV RE18 with the brown mic cable?) There is always something new to master: line arrays, speaker processing, EtherSound, CobraNet, latency, word clock, cardioid subwoofers or surround sound. Quite simply, we take all of that "noise" and just make it work for you. We can debate the qualities and nuances of each of these technical aspects, but one fact remains: there is still an art that goes along with the science of it all.


Nothing ever goes according to plan. There's never enough time for setup. The artist's flight is delayed. The magic black box hasn't arrived to the venue. The load-in was delayed. With all of these issues, we make your life easy by just taking care of it.


Bottom line, it's not about the hardware, it's about the art meeting the science- whether that's in audio, lighting or video. We have wonderful clients, superb engineers, and great equipment that produce a complete success.


Our goal is to give you exactly what you need to make your event the best it can be instead of just giving you what we have.




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